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The path to wellbeing

Metabolism Post Menopause and Andropause metabolic health

How Metabolism Changes with Age

We all know that metabolism slows as we age, particularly with the onset of menopause and the male counterpart called andropause. It is not uncommon for people to have less energy, feel less vital and gain weight around the midline as they age. However, you...

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The Difference Between Flexible and Inflexible Metabolism metabolic health

Metabolic Flexibility

Metabolic flexibility (MetF) is the ability to rapidly switch between the use of carbohydrates and fats for energy needs based on nutrient availability [i]. MetF allows for the storage of fuel when food obtainability is high and utilization of that stored energy when food is...

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MAFLD what?? Metabolic Associated Fatty Liver Disease metabolic health

More common than you may think…..

It’s called a silent disease because most people have NO symptoms.

At least 25% of all US adults are thought to have it. However, since it is often undiagnosed, this number may be way higher. 

It was first described in 1980 as non-alcoholic...

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How Exercise Can Program Metabolism exercise metabolic health movement

It has long been recognized that metabolism is modified by physical activity (PA). PA consists of structured exercise, sports, and activities of daily living including occupation, leisure, and personal transportation in the form of walking, running, cycling, or rowing. Metabolic impacts of PA...

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