My Blog

The path to wellbeing

Sleep and Metabolism

While it may seem a waste of time to spend a third of your life sleeping, your body and your mind engage in essential restorative functions every night. DNA is repaired, toxins are cleaned up, muscles and bones regenerate and your mind processes the activities that occurred during the day.


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POPs: Persistent Organic Pollutants; Milk, Cheese, Meat.

There are a mind-boggling number of chemicals in circulation, over 85,000. Most people are not exposed to anywhere near that many compounds. Our water, food, and the air we breathe have only about 3,000 chemicals . We only need to worry about 3,000 chemicals if we don't have additional...

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Hand Sanitizers-Avoid the Poison

Protect But Don’t Harm

This article is excepted from the article Hand Sanitizers – What’s Behind the Bubbles?, Published in the National Association of Environmental Medicine (NAEM) January 2021. My thanks to Dr. Michelle Perro from GMO Science, and Dr. Anne Marie Fine. Dr....

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Phase Two Liver Biotransformation


A Phase Two Liver Biotransformation Pathway

Fat-soluble chemicals from environmental exposure are not easily eliminated from the body until they are water-soluble. The liver biotransforms these fatty compounds to water-soluble waste that can then be removed by the eliminatory channels:...

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Sour Tea for Your Liver

Ever heard of sour tea?

It’s probably not what you think. Sour tea goes by a variety of different names but refers to a plant with the botanical name of Hibiscus sabdariffa. It’s rich in vitamin C, beta carotene, quercetin, and many other antioxidant compounds. 

The reason I...

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Warnings About Baby Food

Toxic metals found in baby food!

Do you have a baby or grandbaby who eats commercial baby food? Then please read on. This post will help you choose safer baby food products. 

 First, the breaking news. Investigators on a committee in the US congress reported in early 2021 that testing...

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Seven Strategies of Detoxification

What is the best cleansing modality? 

Beyond the obvious practices of moderation, a healthy diet, optimal hydration, and restful sleep, a routine sauna may be the best single detox practice you can engage in. Sweat is a very effective way to reduce our body's burden of a large array of...

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Metabolism Post Menopause and Andropause metabolic health

How Metabolism Changes with Age

We all know that metabolism slows as we age, particularly with the onset of menopause and the male counterpart called andropause. It is not uncommon for people to have less energy, feel less vital and gain weight around the midline as they age. However, you...

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The Difference Between Flexible and Inflexible Metabolism metabolic health

Metabolic Flexibility

Metabolic flexibility (MetF) is the ability to rapidly switch between the use of carbohydrates and fats for energy needs based on nutrient availability [i]. MetF allows for the storage of fuel when food obtainability is high and utilization of that stored energy when food is...

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Suboptimal Thyroid Function

Signs You May Have Suboptimal Thyroid Function

Thyroid hormone is one of the most misunderstood hormones. It’s so misunderstood that as many as 60% of people who have a thyroid issue don’t even know it.   


Your thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ at the...

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MAFLD what?? Metabolic Associated Fatty Liver Disease metabolic health

More common than you may think…..

It’s called a silent disease because most people have NO symptoms.

At least 25% of all US adults are thought to have it. However, since it is often undiagnosed, this number may be way higher. 

It was first described in 1980 as non-alcoholic...

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How Exercise Can Program Metabolism exercise metabolic health movement

It has long been recognized that metabolism is modified by physical activity (PA). PA consists of structured exercise, sports, and activities of daily living including occupation, leisure, and personal transportation in the form of walking, running, cycling, or rowing. Metabolic impacts of PA...

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