Metabolism Post Menopause and Andropause

metabolic health Apr 03, 2023

How Metabolism Changes with Age

We all know that metabolism slows as we age, particularly with the onset of menopause and the male counterpart called andropause. It is not uncommon for people to have less energy, feel less vital and gain weight around the midline as they age. However, you needn’t be a passive victim; you can boost your metabolism once you understand how it naturally changes over a lifespan.

One of the main controllers of metabolism in the hormone-producing endocrine system. Growth hormone dominates during childhood and directs young bodies to spend large amounts of energy on growth and development. With puberty, sex hormones join the party to shape the bodies and the brains of young adults. In times of stress and danger, cortisol leaps forward to increase blood sugar in a fight-and-flight response. Throughout the reproductive years, sex hormones stimulate our metabolism in preparation for childbearing and childrearing.

Sex hormones take a back seat in menopause/andropause when ovaries and gonads move into a much deserved retirement. Up until that time, estrogen and testosterone produced by these glands significantly contributed to energy, muscle mass and a sense of wellbeing. Many people experience a decline in metabolic health and vitality with the onset of menopause and andropause. However, that does not need to be the case if our adrenal glands and thyroid are in good shape.

Hormonal Cornerstones of Healthy Aging


During the childbearing years, estrogen and progesterone are primarily produced in women’s ovaries, while the gonads in men produce testosterone. However, the adrenal glands produce all three sex hormones in men and women. After menopause/andropause, the adrenal glands become the sole source in both sexes of these important health-promoting hormones.

The adrenal glands also produce hormones that respond to external stressors and modulate blood sugar and fat burning. In a healthy system, an acute stressor, such as exercise, can stimulate the use of fat for fuel. However, chronic stress from overworking and always being on-the-go can burn out your adrenal glands. Unlike transient acute stress, ongoing chronic stress stimulates the storage of belly fat and loss of lean muscle. This phenomenon is accentuated post-menopause/andropause when we become dependent on the adrenal glands for sex hormone production in addition to stress modulation.

Signs your adrenal glands are burned out include insomnia, irritability, midline weight gain and fatigue. To induce a healthy adrenal response, create a balanced lifestyle of regular physical activity during the day followed by a good night’s sleep. For the best results practice early-to-bed and early-to-rise circadian rhythms.  


Thyroid hormones increase cell energy use; thus optimal thyroid function is essential for a healthy metabolism. Unfortunately, many people burn out their thyroid glands when they are young by overworking, over-playing, and not getting enough rest and relaxation. Chemical exposures can also damage the thyroid gland. These two factors have driven the incidence of hypothyroidism, for both women and men, sky-high. While it is possible to restore thyroid function naturally, it is important to medically assess and treat poor thyroid function at any age.

Signs that your thyroid is suboptimal are fatigue, dry skin, hair loss, and cold intolerance. If you believe your thyroid is sluggish, ask your doctor to run some tests to assess.


7 Practical Steps to Boost Your Metabolism

  1. Engage in physical activity every day.

  2. Reduce stress with social support, exercise, and through relaxation techniques such as meditation.

  3. Avoid overconsumption of processed foods.

  4. Reduce exposure to chemicals.

  5. Go to bed between 9-10 PM and rise when you are rested.

  6. Make sure your thyroid is healthy and treat as needed.

  7. Create metabolic flexibility.

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