How Exercise Can Program Metabolism

exercise metabolic health movement Mar 28, 2023

It has long been recognized that metabolism is modified by physical activity (PA). PA consists of structured exercise, sports, and activities of daily living including occupation, leisure, and personal transportation in the form of walking, running, cycling, or rowing. Metabolic impacts of PA include increased insulin sensitivity and insulin activity, with a reduction of insulin resistance. PA also improves cholesterol profiles, lowers triglycerides, decreases blood glucose, and causes weight loss, specifically belly fat. 

The Role of Insulin

While it may seem obvious that we need to be active to maintain a healthy weight, it does not work exactly in the way we have been taught. We do burn calories when we are active but more importantly, we program our bodies to use energy. A key hormone involved in this programming is insulin. Insulin is produced by the pancreas following a meal with carbohydrates. Whole food carbohydrates include fruits, vegetables, beans, and grains. Packaged food, such as bread, pasta, crackers, sweetened soda, and deserts of all kinds are particularly dense in carbohydrates. Once eaten, carbohydrates are digested into glucose that is absorbed into our bloodstream thereby increasing blood sugar. When our metabolism is healthy, a small amount of insulin is released in response to increased blood sugar. Insulin then signals cells to open channels to let in glucose to fuel that cell. 

With a sedentary lifestyle, cells are chronically underactive and don’t routinely burn much energy. Food is consumed but the cells are well stocked with glucose and do not respond to the insulin signal. The pancreas releases more insulin in an attempt to open glucose channels and lower blood sugar. When this cycle reoccurs over months to years, people become insulin resistant and their metabolism is damaged. 

To repair this damage, engage in the movement of some type every day. It is not so much that when you move you burn calories but rather that staying active creates a demand in your cells for energy. That demand increases cell response to insulin and returns blood sugar to healthy levels. Because energy is now flowing freely to your cells, you feel energized by activity and that feeling of vitality persists as you move through your day.

Insulin and Fat

What about fat burning for a person who is insulin resistant? Insulin suppresses fat burning in favor of glucose metabolism. Insulin-resistant people are in a bind where neither glucose from carbohydrates nor dietary fat can easily be burned for energy. Even worse, high levels of insulin increase the production and storage of fat in the form of triglycerides and cholesterol. An additional finding is that insulin increases inflammatory compounds. The net result is weight gain, lack of energy, and inflammation. 

So what is the solution? Regular physical activity! If you are not naturally an active person, this can be a big obstacle. Here are some helpful tips.

7 Tips to Increase Daily Movement

  1. Move early in the day to increase insulin sensitivity to the food you eat all day long.

  2. Choose to walk or bike to work, to shop, or to eat out whenever possible.

  3. Make a list of all the activities you enjoy and schedule some fun physical activity on a regular basis.

  4. Find an exercise buddy who will walk or work out with you at a set time each week or several times a week.

  5. Assess your physical activity level and make a plan to gradually increase the amount of time you are active each day.

  6. Write down your plan and share it with someone who cares about you and your health. 

  7. Acknowledge your efforts! Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool.

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